Looking for: C++ compiler for Windows 3.1 that generates Win16 code
(too old to reply)
Wishmaster (c)
2005-03-25 23:47:09 UTC

I'm looking for a C/C++ Compiler for Windows 3.1 that generates Win16 (or
Win32s-compatible 32-bit) software.
I'm interesting in porting some open-source stuff for Windows 3.1.

GNU utilities such as 'make' and programs like Perl would be interesting

(c) Wishmaster (antes Chaos Master/formely known as Chaos Master)

It is the guilt, not the scaffold, which constitutes the shame.
-- Cornville

NP: Nightwish - White Night Fantasy
Gaby Chaudry
2005-03-26 15:18:24 UTC
Post by Wishmaster (c)
I'm looking for a C/C++ Compiler for Windows 3.1 that generates Win16 (or
Win32s-compatible 32-bit) software.
I'm interesting in porting some open-source stuff for Windows 3.1.
Try Digital Mars.

Bye, Gaby
Mrs. Gaby Chaudry
Markus R. Keßler
2005-03-27 11:45:13 UTC
Post by Wishmaster (c)
I'm looking for a C/C++ Compiler for Windows 3.1 that generates Win16 (or
Win32s-compatible 32-bit) software.
In addition to what Gaby already said, I'd recommend getting Borland
C++ 4.5 from ebay. You get it almost for free, because people think
that nowadays it is not good enough anymore...
My C/C++ programs (see http://developer.dipl-ing-kessler.de ) are all
developed using this compiler.

A different solution is Watcom C++. You get it also from ebay. Maybe
there's still a chance to download it from the developers' site, but
it's rather huge.
Post by Wishmaster (c)
GNU utilities such as 'make' and programs like Perl would be interesting
Then you will enjoy ftp://ftp.delorie.com/pub/djgpp/current/v2gnu/ ;-)

I'm currently working with "Unix" in a dos window under Wfw 3.11.
It works great!

Best regards,

Please reply to group only.
For private email please use http://www.dipl-ing-kessler.de/email.htm
2005-03-31 01:51:08 UTC
Post by Wishmaster (c)
I'm looking for a C/C++ Compiler for Windows 3.1 that generates Win16 (or
Win32s-compatible 32-bit) software.
I'm interesting in porting some open-source stuff for Windows 3.1.
GNU utilities such as 'make' and programs like Perl would be interesting
(c) Wishmaster (antes Chaos Master/formely known as Chaos Master)
It is the guilt, not the scaffold, which constitutes the shame.
-- Cornville
NP: Nightwish - White Night Fantasy
Check out www.openwatcom.org
there is no need to pay for Watcom on eBay - this compiler still
generates 16-bit, and it's now open source and free.
Markus R. Keßler
2005-03-31 13:50:47 UTC
Post by Scattered
Check out www.openwatcom.org
there is no need to pay for Watcom on eBay - this compiler still
generates 16-bit, and it's now open source and free.
It looks like they had changed the whole site and it's no longer
possible to just download it. Instead, all you see is "Donation &
Download". It's nothing but annoying. So, some months ago I got it
from ebay for a few euros.
But, if you have an E1- link or DSL flatrate and you want it _now_...
OK, then you can download it ;-)

Best regards,

Please reply to group only.
For private email please use http://www.dipl-ing-kessler.de/email.htm
David Carlsson
2005-03-31 13:22:01 UTC
Post by Markus R. Keßler
Post by Scattered
Check out www.openwatcom.org
there is no need to pay for Watcom on eBay - this compiler still
generates 16-bit, and it's now open source and free.
It looks like they had changed the whole site and it's no longer
possible to just download it. Instead, all you see is "Donation &
Download". It's nothing but annoying. So, some months ago I got it
from ebay for a few euros.
But, if you have an E1- link or DSL flatrate and you want it _now_...
OK, then you can download it ;-)
Best regards,
What about these links...from the "download and donate" page
Markus R. Keßler
2005-03-31 17:29:12 UTC
Post by David Carlsson
What about these links...from the "download and donate" page
Looks promising. Many thanks! ;-))

Best regards,

Please reply to group only.
For private email please use http://www.dipl-ing-kessler.de/email.htm